Software Developer

Canon Innovations Ltd

Location: Mengo, Kampala

Role: Software Developer

Start Date: Feb. 1, 2019

End Date: Oct. 5, 2020

Canon Innovations Ltd


As a Dynamic Software Engineer at Canon Innovations Ltd, I contributed to a team of three adept developers. My professional journey began post-graduation, and I quickly became a dedicated member of this forward-thinking organization.


Roles and Responsibilities

- Collaborated in the creation of an efficient inventory management system and a seamless school management system, emphasizing streamlined operations.

- Drove brand consolidation through the creation and refinement of the company's website, enhancing SEO ranking for expanded online visibility.

- Skillfully communicated and collaborated with cross-functional teams, ensuring seamless project alignment.

Key Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, MySQL, Bootstrap

Achievements and Contributions:

- Played an instrumental role in elevating company brand perception through the strategic enhancement of the corporate website, leading to increased engagement and improved user experience.

- Spearheaded initiatives to improve SEO ranking, resulting in higher online visibility and greater organic reach.

- Contributed to the successful development of inventory and school management systems, revolutionizing internal processes for heightened efficiency.


Key Elements:

- Website Development

- Inventory Management

- School Management

- SEO Enhancement

- Cross-functional Collaboration



- Python

- Git -


- Leadership